Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Moho?
A moho is a small Hawaiian rail (Zapornia sandwichensis), "that crows in the grass".
As with Moho Road, all numbered roads in Hawaiian Acres are named after Hawaiian fauna that are threatened, endangered, or extinct.
What is the history of this grant?
Aloha Hawaiian Acres Ohana
There's been so much misinformation & confusion being posted on social media; I thought I'd share my experience of this past year and see if it brings a little more clarity to this situation.
I was asked to join the HACA board in December 2023. I've never been on a board however, I'm a semi-retired bus driver and I've lived in and loved HA for more than 12 years now so it felt like the right thing to do! In this last year we have lost & gained multiple board members; this current board has worked together for maybe 6 mo. and now we'll be electing a new board in January! (side note: Please, if interested, throw in your hat!)
Gary Rosenberg & myself organized a Regenerative Farming Potluck where we learned of the opportunity to apply for a certified kitchen grant that was to close in 1 week!
A literal round table of 6 or 7 HA residents formed; many of us having just met but who saw the amazing opportunity for our HA subdivision!
3 amazing women from this group worked tirelessly for about 3 weeks (the grant deadline was extended twice!) We were ultimately awarded $534,000 for an Incubator Certified Kitchen!!! In our initial conversations we made it a top priority to make sure this space would be available to lower income folks in our community, as well as others.
This Moho Kitchen is being created for the Hawaiian Acres community, and more of Puna as space allows. There are so many of you out there that have brilliant & innovative ideas but just need a supportive space to get started; this is it!
We still have the HACA insurance funds available and need community input on the rebuild. Some ideas include creating both spaces to seamlessly work together so money spent can benefit both spaces.
Our intent is to get as much community input as possible & to be as transparent as is humanly possible! We are a dedicated & imperfect group of your friends & neighbors doing the best that we know how. We have so many brilliant people in the HA community, let's get everyone involved & supportive of this historic endeavor!
We must form committees as well, with people knowledgeable in areas such as: the community center rebuild committee, the farmers market committee, a committee to explore improving the playground, basketball court, skate ramp, dog park; just a few ideas...
There's so much cool stuff about to begin that the more organized we are with what we want on OUR community's property the better the flow will be; we can create something the community can be proud of & inspire other communities to do the same!
Let's move forward w/ kindness, non-judgment & tolerance for different ideas & personalities; we all want a vibrant community gathering place... let's make it happen.
Mahalo nui,
Linda Brush, area rep
What will this grant pay for?
This grant is earmarked for the creation of a shared-use/incubator kitchen on the community center lot at Moho Road in Hawaiian Acres. The grant will strictly pay for: design, engineering and professional drafting of architectural, plumbing, and electrical plans for submission to the County; construction of a concrete slab and commercial steel building with ADA compliant restroom and water pump room; installation of plumbing and sewer lines, electrical system, ADA compliant walkways, a commercial septic system with approved grease interceptor; a dishwashing sink, an upright refrigerator and upright freezer; a project manager and administrative management.
What will it not pay for?
No funds from this grant can go toward clearing the lot, paving or improving the roads, rebuilding the community center, expanding the recreational area, installing fencing and security; and the following items needed for the kitchen: fire suppression, backup generator, and all equipment except for what’s named above. Fundraising and grant writing will be essential aspects of building this kitchen alongside a revitalized community center.
Successful fundraising, grant writing, in-kind donations and volunteer participation are essential for building this kitchen as well as a revitalized community center.
Will the community center still be built?
Yes, ideally the community center and kitchen will be constructed by the same licensed general contractor. The two projects will require separate building permits.
Will all site plans include a farmer’s market space?
What is the proposed timeline for this project?
We are in the initial phases of identifying the food related businesses that will directly benefit from this project, many of whom wrote letters of support, which were included with the grant proposal. We will hold public meetings and provide information via and email ( We will comply with all requirements necessary for a Special Use Permit.
The land has recently been surveyed, with corner pins of the property staked. We have begun the initial phases of site planning for the community center and certified kitchen. A Project Manager will be hired to finalize these plans with an Architect, a drafter, and a licensed general contractor (experienced in commercial structures, preferably with certified kitchens), and to acquire the needed permits from the County of Hawai‘i Building Department and the State Department of Health. Once the kitchen has been permitted, grading and construction will be performed by licensed professionals.
If all goes well, we hope to begin construction sometime around May of 2025.